
What is an auction?

An auction is a server wide contest that the person who pays the highest amount wins. An auction can be started with an item you want to sell in your hand, then use /auc start <Amount of items> <Price> <Increment>. (Increment means the amount the bid price increases by with each bid.) If there is an active auction you want to bid on, use /bid <Amount> (If you leave the <Amount> empty it will increase by the given increment. If you have auctioned something incorrectly, you can do /auction cancel or /action remove. Auction cancel only cancels your auction that is currently happening and auction remove stops all of the auctions in the queue. If you start getting annoyed by auctions, you can type /auction spam and /auction ignore. These together will ignore bids, auction starts and anti-snipes. (Anti-snipe makes the highest bidder not able to be out bid at the last second.)

What is the auction house?

The auction house is like auctions, but there is a set price and the first to buy it, gets it. To open the auction house, type /ah. This will bring up a screen that shows everything that is being sold. Do /ah sell <price> <Amount of items> when the item you want to sell is in your hand. This lists your item on the auction house.

If there is anything you don't understand something, type /ah help or /auction for more information about this or feel free to ask a staff member or open a support ticket on the Discord here: