Guide to Towny

Town commands:

All /town commands can be abbreviated with /t

Brings up information on your current town.

/town ?
Brings up town help commands.

/town [name]
Brings up information on the specified town.

/town list
Brings up all towns on the server. (Extremely long list - check your logs to be able to view them all.)

/town online
Shows town members currently online.

/town leave
Leaves your current town

/town here
Shows information about the town of the chunk you are currently standing in.

/town spawn
Teleports you to your town's spawn.

/town spawn [name]
Teleports you to another town's spawn.

/town claim
Claims a plot directly adjacent to your town.

/town claim outpost
Claims an outpost for your town. This does not have to be adjacent to your town, but will cost you $25,000.

/town unclaim
Unclaims a town plot

/t buy bonus
Buys extra claimable townblocks

/town withdraw [amount]
Withdraws specified amount of money from the town bank. Only the mayor can do this.

/town deposit [amount]
Deposits specified amount of money in the town bank. All residents can do this.

/town new [name]
Creates a new town. (Be sure to replace any spaces with underscores! Eg, /t new My_Town instead of /t new My Town)

/town delete
A town mayor can delete their town.

/town add [name]
Adds a resident to your town.

/town add+ [name] [name] [name] [name]
Adds several residents to your town. Names seperated by spaces.

/town kick [name]
Removes a resident from your town.

/town kick+ [name] [name]
Removes several residents from your town. Names seperated by spaces.

/town rank add [name] Helper
Promotes a resident to helper.

/town rank remove [name] Helper
Demotes a helper to resident.

/town rank add [name] Builder
Promotes a resident to builder.

/town rank remove [name] Builder
Demotes a builder to resident.

/town rank add [name] Senator
Promotes a resident to senator.

/town rank remove [name] Senator
Demotes a senator to resident.

/town set mayor [name]
Changes the mayor to specified resident.

/town set board [message]
Sets the town board message.

/town set homeblock
Sets the town homeblock to your current plot. Must be within your town.

/town set spawn
Sets the town spawn to your current location. Must be within your town. (You must first set the homeblock)

/town set
Shows how to use this command.

/town set perm [on/off]
Turns all town permissions on/off.

/town set perm [resident/ally/outsider] [on/off].
Turns all permissions for specified group on/off.

/town set perm [build/destroy/switch/itemuse] on/off
Turns on/off permissions for all groups for specified action.

/town set perm [resident/ally/outsider] [build/destroy/switch/itemuse] [on/off]
Sets permissions for specified groups for specified actions.

/town set perm reset
Resets permissions in all claimed chunks in your town.

/town set taxes [amount]
Sets the tax residents must pay every 24 hours.

/town set plottax [amount]
Sets up taxes per plot owned by a resident. This is a flat amount. This can be set to 0 if you don't want to use it.

/town set plotprice [amount]
Sets up the price for claiming a plot. This is when a resident claims a plot in your town to build on.

/town set name [name]
Changes the name of your town.

/town toggle explosion
Turns explosions on/off within your town.

/town toggle fire
Turns fire on/off within your town.

/town toggle mobs
Turns mob spawning on/off within your town.

/town toggle public
Toggles non-residents being able to teleport to your town spawn. (Members of your nation, and members in nations who are on your nation's ally list, are still able to tp)

/town toggle pvp
Turns pvp on/off with your town.

Nation commands:

All /nation commands can be abbreviated with /n

Shows information of the nation you are in.

/nation ?
Shows a list of nation commands

/nation list
Shows a list of nations ordered by highest resident population.

/nation online
Shows nation members currently online.

/nation [nation]
Shows information of another nation.

/nation leave
Leaves the nation you are currently in.

/nation deposit
Members of a nation can deposit money in the nations bank.

/nation withdraw
Nation owner can withdraw money from the nations bank.

/nation new [name]
Creates a new nation. (Be sure to replace any spaces with underscores! Eg, /n new My_Nation instead of /n new My Nation)

/nation rank add [name] Helper
Promotes a member to helper.

/nation rank remove [name] Helper
Demotes a helper to a member.

/nation rank add [name] Assistant
Promotes a member to assistant.

/nation rank remove [name] Assistant
Demotes an assistant to a member.

/nation add [name]
Invites a town to your nation.

/nation kick [name]
Kicks a town from your nation.

/nation delete
A nation owner can delete their nation.

/nation ally add [name]
Adds a nation to your nations ally list.

/nation ally remove [name]
Removes a nation from your nations ally list.

/nation enemy add [name]
Adds a nation to your nations enemy list.

/nation enemy remove [name]
Removes a nation from your nations enemy list.

/nation set
Shows how to use this command.

Plot commands:

forsale can be abbreviated to fs

notforsale can be abbreviated to nfs

/plot ?
Shows a list of plot commands.

/plot set
Shows how to use this command.

/plot set reset
Sets a shop/embassy/arena/wilds plot back to a normal plot.

/plot set shop
Sets a plot to a shop plot.

/plot set embassy
Sets a plot to an embassy plot.

/plot set arena
Sets a plot to an arena plot.

/plot set wilds
Sets a plot to a wilds plot.

/plot set inn
Set a plot to an inn plot.

/plot set jail
Set a plot to an jail plot.

/plot set name
Allows a mayor or plot-owner to rename plots they own.

/plot set perm
Works similar to /town set perm

/plot toggle
Works similar to /town toggle

/plot claim
Claims a plot as a resident. (To claim it without being a member of the town, the mayor must have it set to an embassy plot.)

/plot unclaim
Removes ownership of a plot as a resident.

/plot forsale
Puts a plot up for sale as a mayor.

/plot notforsale
Stops plot from being up for sale.

Resident commands

All /resident commands can be abbreviated with /res

Brings up your Towny overview.

/resident ?
Brings up resident help screen

/resident [name]
Shows information on a particular resident.

/res tax
Shows owned plots and taxes you pay.

/resident friend add [name]
Sets a player as your friend. Changing resident perms can determine if players set as friends can build on your plots or not.

/resident friend remove [name]
Removes a friend from your friendlist

/res set perm
Shows you how to use this command.

/resident set perm on/off
Turns on/off all permissions within your plot.

/resident set perm [friend/ally/outsider] on/off
Turns on/off all permissions for a particular group.

Miscellaneous commands

Toggles town chat on/off. You can also use /tc [text] if you dont wish to toggle chat.

Toggles nation chat on/off. You can also use /nc [text] if you dont wish to toggle chat.

Toggles global chat on/off. You can also use /g [text] if you dont wish to toggle chat.

Brings up general towny screen

/towny ?
Brings up towny help.

/towny map
Brings up the towny map. It focuses on your current location and shows all claimed and unclaimed area around you. It also shows which direction you are facing.

/towny map big
An enlarged version of /towny map

/towny prices
Shows towny prices.

/towny top
Shows how to use this command.

/towny time
Shows the amount of time left until taxes and upkeep are collected for the new day.

/towny universe
Shows you a pretty heart. And some information about this universe. 

Town and Nation Levels

This is a list of every level your town can reach, how many residents you need to be able to reach that level, the minimum number of claim blocks you should have available in town, and the title the mayor of the town is given when the town reaches that rank.

Important Info:

- Towns cost $10,000 to create

- Nations cost $400,000 to create

- Each resident gives your town 8 claim blocks

- Your town's daily upkeep increases by $25 for every chunk you have claimed

Towny Levels:


- Residents: 1

- Claim Blocks: 8

- Mayor Title: Hermit


- Residents: 2

- Claim Blocks: 16

- Mayor Title: Chief


- Residents: 6

- Claim Blocks: 48

- Mayor Title: Baron Von


- Residents: 10

- Claim Blocks: 80

- Mayor Title: Viscount

Large Town:

- Residents: 14

- Claim Blocks: 112

- Mayor Title: Count Von


- Residents: 20

- Claim Blocks: 160

- Mayor Title: Earl

Large City:

- Residents: 24

- Claim Blocks: 192

- Mayor Title: Duke


- Residents: 28

- Claim Blocks: 224

- Mayor Title: Lord

Nations levels

Nations work a bit differently. They grant more claims when you reach certain levels. These levels are as such:

First Level:

- Land of (Nation)

- Leader Title: Leader

- Requires 0 residents

- Grants 10 bonus claim blocks

Second Level:

- Federation of (Nation)

- Leader Title: Count

- Requires 10 residents

- Grants 20 bonus claim blocks

Third Level:

- Dominion of (Nation)

- Leader Title: Duke

- Requires 20 residents

- Grants 40 bonus claim blocks

Fourth Level:

- Kingdom Of (Nation)

- Leader Title: King

- Requires 30 residents

- Grants 60 bonus claim blocks

Fifth Level:

- Empire of (Nation)

- Leader Title: Emperor

- Requires 40 residents

- Grants 100 bonus claim blocks

Sixth Level:

- Realm of (Nation)

- Leader Title: God Emperor

- Requires 60 residents

- Grants 140 bonus claim blocks

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me or any of the other members of our staff team!